The Stranglers-en The Raven eta gehio

The Stranglers-en The Raven eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Stray cats “My one desire” *ZZ Top “Hi fi mama” *The Go go’s “Get up and go” *AC/DC “Bad boy boogie” *The Bishopes “What’s Your Number” *Buzzcocks “What do you know” *Graham Parker and the Rumour “Soul shoes” *Garrie and the Roosters “Win or loose” THE STRANGLERS “THE RAVEN” LParen errepasoa *Nuclear sockets … Continued



Hau duzue aitor ikastolako 3A taldearen lehenengo irratsaioa.



Monkey Man irratsaioaren saio berri bat



Gaurkoan ere programoia. Blues ta gero jebi ta gero auskalo formula garaiezina ttanttakun irratian. Gora NOISEAN BEHIN!! Aste honetan ESKAINTZA PAREGABEA, entzuteagatik bakarrik saria jasoko duzu. (saria=jakinduria).

XG 2025-2-22 SIDA musical

XG 2025-2-22 SIDA musical

harry solo solisimo gaurko hontan. sarrera oso ona saioa sida a full. estilo aldaketa bortitzak eta boca like zapato baino eh…. temarrakos. Souljah Gorrillak pitilina ukitu dio stevie Grinderi

Harri koxokor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin,tin..

Harri koxokor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin,tin..

FRiday, the cure- Brigade Loco, Bultzada, Sorginak, Izanagatik- Iggy Pop, la vie en rose, Candy- Charles Mingus, Haitian Fight song- Jogadinha do paquete, dj. Kaio VDM, Neymar Jr. Parado…Urtxintxa, Harri koxkor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin- Artie Shaw, The blues- Hal Kemp, Got a date with an angel- Tommy tucker, Deep in the heart of texas- … Continued



Hau duzue Aitor ikastolako 4B taldearen lehenengo irratsaioa.



Zizka mizka irratsaioaren saio berri bat

TV Smith's Explorers-en

TV Smith’s Explorers-en “BBC and Out-takes” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Real kids “Solid Gold (Thru And Thru)” *MC5 “Unknowed rock” *Devo “Uncontrollable urge” *Stray cats “Blast off” *American ruse “I gotta try” *Sex pistols “No one is innocent” *Count bishops “I need you” *Killing joke “Are you receiving” TV SMITH’S EXPLORERS “BBC AND POT-TAKES” LParen errepasoa