25. irratsaioa, uztaila, 2024-7-26

25. irratsaioa, uztaila, 2024-7-26

the cure, Friday- Vicente Fernandez, Volver, volver…que te vaya bonito, El rey- I love it de icon- Drindots, Ebamirentxu joan zen- Siniestro total, Miña terra gallega- Zapato veloz, Hay un gallego en la luna- Fillas da Kasandra- Merina Gris, Saiatzen naiz, Eskutitza- Hemendik at, Eskutitza- Elcano Browning, Bohemian, someday soon sweet samba- Demonds an the … Continued

202-ekainak 21, udara

202-ekainak 21, udara

friday , the cure- sumer jam, steve void- los chicos del coro, demontechno, da ya think iḿ sexy, R.Steward- tu are the one that i want, Grease, J.Farrar, The village people, Y.M.C., In the navy, Macho man- Bang ! Bang! txikleak- Duke Ellington, I let a song go out of my heart- Benny Goodman, Sweet … Continued

2024-6-14.  Honki jin!

2024-6-14. Honki jin!

The cure, friday- Lullaby- Jazz hastapenak- Bruno Mars, LOcke out of heaven- George Gerswhin, Porgy and Bess, Summertime, Janis Joplin- Ella Flñitzgerald, Louis Armnstrong- Pretenders, Don get me wrong- Chil mafia, Gizon arruntaren koplak, Xabier Lete- Bertso-hop, Negu gorriak- Azkaiter Pelox, Ez naiz beldur, Batera hegan- Nhil, Ahaztu baino lehen- Xiberoots, Hi haiz, honki jin-

2024.ekainak 7. Maria Kristina

2024.ekainak 7. Maria Kristina

The cure, friday- Simon and Gardfunkel, The sound of silence, Mrs. Robinson, Bridge over troubled water- Disturbed, Te soun of silence- Vendetta, Udarako gau luzeak- The weeknd, The blinding lights- Elliot Murphy, Karen where are you going-Txirrita, Xabier Lete, Frantses euskaldun bat etorri zait, Nagusia ta maizterra, Cubako gerrarena- Imanol Telleria, Txirrita, Neska zar bat … Continued

2024-5-31. maiatzako azken ostirala

2024-5-31. maiatzako azken ostirala

firday, the cure- supertramp, breakfast in america, go Hollywwod, The logical song- Taylor Swift, Shake it off, you belong with me- ACDC, Thunderstrack, Highway to hell- Lenny Kravitz, It ain’t over til itś over, are you gonna go my way- elliot Murphy, On Elvis Presleyś birthday- Barricada, En blanco y negro, Demasiado tarde- La polla … Continued

2024-5-24. Frere Jacques

2024-5-24. Frere Jacques

Firday, the cure- Kontraesanak, dantza gaua, trikitauka, alta gama, Dupla- Tirauki, Oskorri- Txalaparta, Gorka Knorr- Maiatzeko dantza, Ganbara- Bi mundu, Herenegun, Amaiow, TTaka- Frere Jacques, Anai Xanti, Xirula mirula- Otra noche, Kaotiko- El caserio zarzulea, Chiquito de Arrigorri, Sasibil, mi caserío, Guridiren zarzuela, 1926-Marcelino pan y vino, Pablo Sorozabal- Furra, furra, Oskorri- Bi mundu, Xabi … Continued

2024-5-10. Iparragirre

2024-5-10. Iparragirre

Friday, the cure, live performance, free cinematic pop-Frank Sinatra, That’ s life- Azurro- Udarako gau luzeak, Vendetta- Iparragirre, Zure oroiz, Gitarra zartxo bat det, Gazte gaztetatikan, Ume eder bat, Glu, glu, glu, Iruten ari nuzu, Urretxuko semeari, Gernikako arbola- Luis Iriondo, El pico pelikulako soinu banda, Paco, Antonio Carmona, Me perdi en las tinieblas- Rosalia, … Continued

2024-5-3. Santa Krutzak

2024-5-3. Santa Krutzak

Friday, the cure- LIzardi, MIkel Laboa- Rucio Moro, Laguna Vieja…”Venezuelako musika llaneroa”- Asaba zarraren baratza, Lizardi- Biotzean mindut, Etxepare rap- Lizardi- Bilintx, Loriak udan, Jai-jai- Nikotina, kondorraren hegaldia- Las Grecas, Te estoy amando locamente, Sagapó, Dolores Vargas, Achilipú- Los burros, El ultimo de la fila, Rosa de los vientos, haizeen larrosa- Domingo en los autos … Continued

26-4-2024. Udaberria. Gernika.

26-4-2024. Udaberria. Gernika.

Friday, the cure- Fermin Muguruza, Peret, Voy, voy- Jimmy Jazz- Borriquito- Revuelta en el frenopatico- Una lagrima- Benito Lertxundi, Egunsentia, Loretxoa- LOretxoa, Exkixu- Nere herriko neskatxa maite, Urrundik heldu naiz, Benito Lertxundi- Sorozabal, Gernika, hileta-kantata, 1966, Andre Mari abesbatzarekin, Maite- Beatles, Blackbird- Xirula mirula, xoxuak galdu du burua, Txoria nintzela, LOs indios tabajaras, El condor … Continued

2024-4-19. Udaberria-txorak-Xoxua-

2024-4-19. Udaberria-txorak-Xoxua-

Friday, the cure- Iugi Ekiza, Begiak ideki nituen- Los mirlos, cumbia peruana- Olivier Messian, Le merle noir- Ein Vogel Wollte Hochzait Machen- MIkel Laboa, Xoxo beltza- Pablo MIlanes, Yo no te pido, Para vivir, Amo esta isla- Querida Pablo diskatik- Havana, Camila Cabello- Cuko musika, Compay Segundo- La chacarera, La estrella azaul, Santiago de Estero, … Continued



Friday, the cure- Monday, monday, the Mamas and the Papas- Sunday morning, The velvet. underground.., Maroon5- John Mellencamp, Ain’t Even Done with the night- Billie Holliday, April in Paris, Strange fruit- Beethoven , Udaberria sonata, Fa maiorrean, Scherzo-a eta Rondoa- Chopin andante, Fred Killah- Benito Lertxundi, Egun sentia, Zenbat gera, Loretxoa- Urretxindorrak, Belardiak kanta- Los … Continued