Pi zenbakiaren eguna, martxoak 14

Pi zenbakiaren eguna, martxoak 14

Beatles, Let it be, Paperback writer, Penny Lane, Yesterday- Yesterday, Patx, Lumberjack- Pianoan pi zenbakia, la menor eskalatik hasita- The pi song- The periodic table song- Abc song- L’ abecedari- Dos y dos son cuatro- Zenbakien kantua- Do, re , mi…Sonrisas y lagrimas- Henry Salomon y su orquesta- Ut queant laxis, Siloseko monjeak- Dancing queen, … Continued

martxoak 8, Violeta Parra. II

martxoak 8, Violeta Parra. II

Friday, the cure- Zorionak, Kaxiano- Alo loco, a loco- Bjork- Haza, Txiki, Y si provocas- Neatles, Ob-la doi, Twist and Shout, LOve me do- Karen Ortiz de GUinea, Vuelvo a soñar, Mamma- …

Harri koxokor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin,tin..

Harri koxokor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin,tin..

FRiday, the cure- Brigade Loco, Bultzada, Sorginak, Izanagatik- Iggy Pop, la vie en rose, Candy- Charles Mingus, Haitian Fight song- Jogadinha do paquete, dj. Kaio VDM, Neymar Jr. Parado…Urtxintxa, Harri koxkor batekin hor dabil Martin,tin,tin- Artie Shaw, The blues- Hal Kemp, Got a date with an angel- Tommy tucker, Deep in the heart of texas- … Continued



Friday, the cure- Zorionak, Itsasontzi baten, Nere bizitza, Donostiari- Giorgi Dann, Barbacoa, Bimbo92- Edmund Ros y su orquesta, Roland Shaw, 1963, What a diference a day made, Cha-cha-cah, The peanut vender, Mambo, Samba, Yours, Bossa Nova, The breeze and I, Di, si, si, Merengue- Allá en el rancho grande, Jorge Negrete- Vicente Fernandez, Ay, Jalisco, … Continued

Otsailak 2, Kandelaria

Otsailak 2, Kandelaria

Friday, the Cure- Cumbia mix, La sonora cancela, Saca la maleta, Encontre la cadenita- Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, Oye cómo va- Riccie Oriach, La guayaba- Lenny Kravitz, Happy birthday- Zoe Kravitz, Don’t- Jimmy Hendrix, Angel, Hey Jo- Van Morrison, Whe the leaves come falling down- Fine Cuntry Folk, Hey Jo- M-ak, Barkatu ama, Bloody Mary- … Continued



Friday, the cure- Festara, Kaia barrenian, Donostiako orfeoia- Donostiako hirudamatxo, Kaia barrenian, Urko- Iriyarena, Parte vieja donostiarra- Eddie Duchin, Down Argentine Way- Woddy Herman, NOrthwest Passage- Benny Goodman, Scatter-Brain- Sammy Kaye, As time gos by- L.Armstrong, Margie- Merina Gris, Hiru damatxo, Ardi Latxen herrian- Nere mundu txiki polit hontan, Xabi Solano, Izar, Esne Beltza- Laister … Continued

Alaskan doktorea

Alaskan doktorea

Friday, the cure- Amaia Zubiria, Donostiako hiru damatxo- Hazas, Txiki, Y si provocas, Hace tiempo, Zenbat gau (+Jagoba), Denbora (+Jagoba,+JUne), Jazzaren historian…Cab Calloway, Topsy Torvy- Will Bradey, Chicken Gumboogie- Dean Hudson , Mocedades, Marty Robbins, Red River valley- Snow Patrol, Chasing cars- Grant Leep Philips, Grey Anatomia- serietik ateratako soundtrackak- Alaskan doktorea serieko sintonia- Where … Continued

2025, Urte berri on!

2025, Urte berri on!

Friday, the cure- Suzanne Vega, Craking, Freeze tag, Marlene on the wall, Tom ‘ś diner, Luka- Jamie Cullum, Get your way, London Skies, Mind Trick- Natascha Atlas, Shubra, AShwa, Ne me quite pais- Nina Simone, I put a spell on you- Cat Power, The gratest- JOey Ramone,Christmas, Dont worry about me, What a wonderful world- … Continued

ur goiena, ur barrena

ur goiena, ur barrena

friday, the cure- elurra teilatuan, oskorri- negua, Vivaldi, Nigel Kennedy- Ur goiena, ur barrea, Peio eta Pnatxoa, Juantxo ZEberio ETxetxipia..- Olatz Zugasti- Navidad vasca, 1963, BELTER, Gabeko izar, Oi Betlehen, Gabaren erdian, Mesias sarritan- LOs burros, Banda trapera del rio- Javier Madina, 1969, Txanboliñ txikia, Baso bidean- Raphael, El tambolirero, 1965- Trakatan trakatan, Xirula mirula- … Continued

La txama

La txama

Friday, the cure- La txama, la txama, Txirula, Laster izango gara berriz, Fusilaren hotsak, Skorbutori omenaldia, Adios reina mia, Zure begiak, MUs corrido, Chill Mafia, Jotas navarras, hermanas Flamarique, Txirri mirri…Santo Tomaseko feriya, KOrtatu, Revuelta en el frenopatico- Mikel Laboa, Antzinako Bihotz

TIrabira. Bat.

TIrabira. Bat.

Friday, the cure- Tirabira,Bat, Buru buztan, Itś a sunny day, Stokolmo, Hutsetik hasi, Bazterrak, Itxaropena, Askatasun garaia, Hegalak eta berunezko botak- The Specials, Enjoy yourself- Stereotipes- Mikel Laboa, Bentara noa – King Mafrundi, Freedom

Santa Xexili eguna

Santa Xexili eguna

Friday. yhe cure- John Denver, Seasons of the Heart- Rocka- Tutti Frutti, Popotitos, Roxk around the clock, Good golly MIss Molly, Shake, rattle and roll- La txama, La txama, Guadalupe, Zure begiak, Musa 13, Vicente Fernandez, El jaliciense, Roberto Negrete, Ay, Jalisco, no te rajes, – Tijuana in blue, Urroztarra, .Chill Mafia, Gazte arrunatren koplak, … Continued