The Clash-en

The Clash-en “Mohawk revenge” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Models “Freeze” *The Luxury men “Trade” *Jam “Strange town” *The Molesters “Commuter man” *The Lurkers ·This dirty town” *The Insane “El Salvador” *Guana batz “Radio Seetheart” THE CLASH “MOHAWK REVENGE” *Nine below zero “Burn love” *Graham parker “OK Hieronymus” *Jotakie “Kontuz ibili”

Vog-en Vog diskoa eta gehio

Vog-en Vog diskoa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Kingsnakes “I’m ready” *Any trouble “Bible belt” *Eddie anf the hot rodsd “Been so long” *The Boys “Weekend” *The Clash “London’s burning” *The Damned “Grimly fiendish” *Cash pussies “99% is shit” VOG “S/T” LParen errepasoa *Anti pasti ”East to the west” *Cock sparrer “True to yourself” *The Cynics “Buick McKaine” *Anestesia “Toki … Continued

The Tourists-en Luminous basement eta gehio

The Tourists-en Luminous basement eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Clash “What’s my name” *The Adverts “The great british mistake” *Eddie and the Hot rods “Double checkin’ woman” *The Cortinas “Further education” *Private dicks “You want it, you got it” *The Drones “Bone idol” *Last night “Pictures” *Tequila “Ring ring” THE TOURISTS “LUMINOUS BASEMENT” LParen errepasoa *Code of honor “Code of honor” … Continued