Swingin' utters-en Poorly formed eta gehio

Swingin’ utters-en Poorly formed eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Sorrows “Second chance” *The Raunch hands “Man needs a woman” *The Lyres “Never met a girl like you before” *Nervous eaters “Hot steel and acid” *New race “Haunted road” *New order “Sidewinder” *Cucharada “No soy formal” *Burning “I’m burning” *SWINGIN’ UTTERS “POORLY FORMED” LParen errepasoa *Television “See no evil” *Graham Parker and … Continued

Siete C taldeari elkarrizketa

Siete C taldeari elkarrizketa

Siete C taldeak El ultimo bastion idiota diskoa kaleratu du eta Iker taldekidea elkarrizketatu dugu Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean.

MC5-en Back in the USA eta gehio

MC5-en Back in the USA eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Los Violadores “Violadores de la ley” *Besos Rabiosos “Me quiere envenenar” *Alaska y Dinarama “Como pudiste hacerme esto a mi” *The B-52’s “Party out of bounds” *The Cars “Ta ta wayo wayo” *Billy Idol “Cradle of love” *Boomtown rats “Todo esta en boga” MC5 “Back in the USA” LParen errepasoa *Beastie boys “It’s … Continued

XG 2022-10-07 THIS IS HOW WE DO IT

XG 2022-10-07 THIS IS HOW WE DO IT

Gai asko jorratzeko baina gero ez hainbeste. Temarrakos like everyday eta porculeros en serie in the cruisin zone landas Harry Mozkor Duna de Una.

Pointed Sticks-en Perfect youth eta gehio

Pointed Sticks-en Perfect youth eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Gigantor “Get the glory” *The Dickies “Roadkill” *Blag Dahlia “Haunt me” *The Clash “White riot” *Stiff little fingers “Good for nothing” *UK Subs “Teenage” *Slade “Get down and get with it” *Dr Feelgood “Keep it out of sight” POINTED STICKS “PERFECT YOUTH” LParen errepasoa *Paul Collins & The Beat “Why” *Mink DeVille … Continued