

Friday…the cure- Zapato veloz-tractor amarillo- Xalbadorren heriotzean- Itoiz, Hegan egiten, Marea gora, Tximeleta reggae, Lau teilatu- MIkel Laboa, Txoria txor- Aupa argote, Athleticken ereserkia, Txuri urdin- Ikusi mendizaleak, Imuntzo eta Beloki- Pulp fiction, Quentin Tarantino BSO, Chuk Berry, You never can tel, Misirlou, Dick Dale- Theodotos Demitriades, 1927- Shivaree, Good night moon- Morat, Cómo te … Continued



the cure, friday- bananarama- bonnie tyler,hlding out for a hero-jerry lee lewis, great ball of fire- pink floyd, the wall- u2, i still haven found …unforgettabel fire- the police, a message in a botlle-mike olfield, platinum- BIDEOJOKUAK ETA MUSIKA DINAMIKOA, Martin- banjo kazooie, Metal hellsinger, Hi-fi Rush- mario bros- bruno mars, it will rain- heidi-



Friday..The cure- QUEEN, We will rock you, crazy little thing called love, Don stop me now, Somebody to leve, We are the champions- IVAN REBROFF, Dr. Zhivago, Maria, Kalinka, Biolinjolea teilatuan, Gizon aberatsa banintz- Tarara, Radio tarifa- Amorante, Iban Urizar, harri, herri, har, Habanera, kale erdian, agurea- Gaiteros de Segovia, jota de la niña- Dupla- … Continued

Inauteriak. 2024-2-9

Inauteriak. 2024-2-9

Friday…the cure- crazy frog, pop corn, champions, ring ding ding- pop corn, jatorrizkoa1969-blue da baddy, eiffel 65-santana, oye como va-tito puente, celia cruz- la vida es un carnaval- tolosako inauteriak, banda, habanera, galtzaundi, diana, – kortatu-lantzeko inauteriak, zazpi jauzi, ryan’s polka- imuntzo eta epelde, fandangoa eta arin arina-it’s friday…mufasa-

kandelaria eguna.2024-2-2

kandelaria eguna.2024-2-2

The cure, Friday-Van MOrrison, Back on top- Harry Sttiles, As it was, Matilda, Cherry- L.Armstrong, Oh when the saints- Bruno Mars, When Iwa your man, Lazy son, Lighters-Cumbia mix, la sonora dinamita, Cumbia del negro, El africano, Oye, El lagunero, A mover la colita, Mi cucu, Los mechones, Las velas encendidas- Maurizia, Leon Bilbao, fandangoa, … Continued



Friday, Iḿ in love, the cure- Bruce Springsteen, Paradise, Someday- Elliot Murphy, Karen where are you going, Everything I do- Eagles, Hotel California-Bagdad cafe-Nei Young, Hey, hey, my, my- Guantanamera, Pit Bull- Compayns, Midnight memories-One direction, Right now- Space Oddity, David Bowie- Central Cee, Traight, pinging, Day in the life- Selekta, Conexion- Erleen rapa, Pirritx … Continued



El carnaval de San Sebastian, Columbia, Diana, Pomposhos- Urko, IXIL IXILIK DAGO, Amaia Zubiria, Donostiako iru damatxo- Festara, Donostiako orfeoia-Drindots taldea, Trixte bizi naiz eta, Bilintx- Urretxindorrak, Aitorren hizkuntza zaharra- Benito Lertxundi, egun sentia, loretxoa, zenbat gera,1967- Txuri urdin, Eskola, 1980- Exkixu, Loretxoa- Communards, Don leave me this way



Friday…the cure, Nikko mad,Adele, Friday Iḿ in love-Belinda Carlisle, leave a light on- Bonnie Tyler, Itś a heartache- Lisa Stansfield, All around the world- Bronski Beat, Smaltown- The Cranberries, Just my imagination- Rene, Calm down- Guayaquil city, Manu Chao- Guayaquil, don Omar- Sopa de caracol, Honduras- Las guitarras de Tijuana, Guantanamera- Joropo, Venezuela- Carlos Mejia … Continued



ETS-Zurekin batera, Zure doinua, VENDETTA, Udarako gau luzeak, Begitara begira, Sueños de color, ESNE BELTZA, Gogoak, Argitzeraino, Iritsi da eguna, PIRRITX ETA PORROTX, Ametsetan, Su mendiak, Porru patata, Chiquitaco can tac, V eta M, (DONOSTIAKO 15 URTEKO BI DAMATXO) zuzeneko playlista…. Negu gorriak, Borreroak baditu mila aurpegi, Radio Rahim, KIxki mixki eta kaxkamelon, Kapitan pilotu, … Continued

2. irratsaioa.abenduak22.

2. irratsaioa.abenduak22.

Friday Iḿ in love, the cure- Itś friday then, Mufasa-All pain is the same, Dubskie- Gnossiene n1, Erik Satie,1888- Les contes dÁxeru, Le renard. Euken Ostolaza-El roncales, Carlos Fagoaga-OI Bethleen diska, Andra Mari abesbatza, 1991-IÑAKI MURUA ETA ALBERTO , TXISTUA ETA SAXOFOIA Zuzenean-Enjoy yourself, The Specials, 1980

ostirala abenduak 15

ostirala abenduak 15

The cure, Friday Iḿ in love- Joy division, Blue monday- itś fryday ,dj gotta-itś friday, dubskie-alferraren astea, Oskorri- tirauki, basa andarea, Oskorri- irten ezazu, Peñaflorida kontea, Ana elorza- Donostiako iru damatxo,ezkongaietan Carlos Mungia-Donostiako iru damatxo, Urko- kaia barrenian, Donostiako orfeoia- Grease, the original soundtracs, 1978, from de motion picture