Radio Futuraren La ley del desierto, la ley del mar eta gehio

Radio Futuraren La ley del desierto, la ley del mar eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *XTC “Traffic light rock” *Rocky Erickson “Bermuda” *X ray spex “Oh bondage up yours!” *The Motors “You beat the hell outta me” *Penetration “Don’t dictate” *9 below zero “Hangman in the sand” *Siniestro total “Cuenca minera” *Glutamato ye ye “Recuerda Formentera” *Almodovar & McNamara “Gran ganga” RADIO FUTURA “La ley del desierto/La ley … Continued

Nine Pound Hammer-en Bluegrass conspiracy eta gehio

Nine Pound Hammer-en Bluegrass conspiracy eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Dream Syndicate “I have faith” *Fischer Z “Acrobats” *Gluecifer “Get that psycho out of my face” *Herman BroodLove you like I love myself” *Dr. Feelgood “Close but no cigar” *Graham Parker and the Shot “Bricks and mortar” *Joe Jackson band “Mad at you” NINE POUND HAMMER “BLUEGRASS CONSPIRACY” LParen errepasoa *Seguridad social … Continued

Jeff Dahl-en Made in Hawaii eta gehio

Jeff Dahl-en Made in Hawaii eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Vog “Playmate” *The Now “Can you fix me up with her” *The Tourists “The loneliest man in the world” *Bonzos “I want you back” *Los Romeos “Cuando llega mi amor” *Los Enemigos “La torre de Babel” *The Meows “Private song” JEFF DAHL “Made in Hawaii” LParen errepasoa *Skids “Charade” *Dirty noise “Look to … Continued

Jonesy-ren 1. LPa eta gehio

Jonesy-ren 1. LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Swallow “Foetus” *Cat butt “Freebase” *Psycho surgeon “Panic on” *Any & the Bodies “Dead end street” *Ilegales “Juancho Canal” *Vincent Von Reberb y sus Vaqueros Electricos “Adios muñeca” *Screamin’ Tarjets “She likes to rock” JONESY “JONESY” LParen errepasoa *Earth Quake “Power glide slide” *Geordie “Don’t do that” *Suzi Quatro “Tear me apart” *Members … Continued