Generation X-en Valley of the dolls eta gehio

Generation X-en Valley of the dolls eta gehio

Gaurko irrtatsaioan: *The Raunch Hands “One way ride” *Jeff Dahl band “Just like they sound” *Mutants “Lady” *The Trainspotters “High rise” *La Rekba “Dantzalekuan” *Tacumah “Enbata” *Los Paniks “Colecciono huesos” GENERATION X “Valley of the dolls” Lparen errepasoa *Frustration “Dying cities (Kap Bambino remix)” *Kilburn & the High Roads “Rough kids” *Joe Jackson “Is she … Continued

Bamms-en Last chance eta gehio

Bamms-en Last chance eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Metal Mike “I don’t like this world anymore” *EF band “Another day gone” *Synchromesh “October friday” *Blue movies “Mary Jane” *The Noise “Criminal” BAMMS taldearen LAST CHANCE diskoaren aurkezpena elkarrizketarekin *Mortadelo y Filemon “La cancion de Mortadelo y Filemon” *Heavy metal kids “Rock’n’roll man” *Earth quake “Julie Anne” *Stray cats “My heart is … Continued

Bamms taldeari elkarrizketa

Bamms taldeari elkarrizketa

Bamms taldeak Last chance izeneko diskoa kaleratu du eta Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean elkarrizketatu ditugu.

The Wanderers-en Only lovers left alive eta gehio

The Wanderers-en Only lovers left alive eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Pretenders “Tattooed love boys” *X “Los Angeles” *Killing joke “Pssyche” *9 below zero “Three times enough” *Rockpile “Wrong way” *Graduate “Acting my age” *Tacumah “Sax is black” THE WANDERERS “Only lovers left alive” LParen errepasoa *Raspberries “I wanna be with you” *Suzy Quatro “48 crash” *Status quo “Down, down” *Ted Nugent “Land of … Continued

The Dream Syndicate-ren These times eta gehio

The Dream Syndicate-ren These times eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Luz verde “Atrapado por tu amor” *Teniente Bluxberri “El numero 1” *Yo soy Julio Cesar “Hey, mirame” *4º planta “La reina eres tu” *Bai zera “Soietxes SOS” *Iggy Pop “Candy” *Jeffrey Lee Pierce “Get away” THE DREAM SYNDICATE “These times” LParen errepasoa *Chequered past “Underworld” *Pistones “No estas de suerte” *Silvio Rodriguez “Canto … Continued

Devo-ren Are we not men? We are Devo eta gehio

Devo-ren Are we not men? We are Devo eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Pop Rivets “(I’m so) happy tonight” *Keys “Just a camara” *Merton Parkas “Put me in the picture” *The incredible Kidda band “(Watch out) Thief” *William Mysterious & Alastair Donaldson “Security of noise” *AD 1984 “Race to nowhere” *The Fans “True” DEVO “Are we not men? We are Devo” LParen errepasoa *Reverend Horton … Continued

Cockney Rejects-en Greatest hits vol. 1 eta gehio

Cockney Rejects-en Greatest hits vol. 1 eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Ramones “I wanna be well” *The Cramps “Green door” *The germs “My tunnel” *The Jam “News of the world” *The Clash “White man in Hammersmith palais” *The Rezillos “Destination venus” *The Stranglers “The raven” COCKNEY REJECTS “Greatest hits vol. 1” LParen errepasoa *Rose of victory “Overdrive” *The Cynics “Get my way” *Los Bichos … Continued

Da Willys-en Satuhday nite palsy eta gehio

Da Willys-en Satuhday nite palsy eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Billy Idol “Baby talk” *The Devil dogs “Action” *The Waves “Brown eyed son” *Matchbox “Midnite dynamos” *Gli incesti “Sabato midnight” *Tom Robinson band “Our people” *Stanley Frank “S’cool days” *Los Clavos + Steve Wynn “More than today” DA WILLYS “Satuhday night plasy” LParen errepasoa *Radio futura “Si me dejas solo” *Glutamato ye ye … Continued

La Banda Trapera del Rio-ren Guante de guillotina eta gehio

La Banda Trapera del Rio-ren Guante de guillotina eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Salford jets “Who you looking at?” *The Monks “Nice legs shame about the face” *Split screens “Just don’t try” *Just Frank “You” *Jet Bronx “On the wall” *The Yobs “The ballad of the Warrington” *The Wall “Rewind” *Tacumah “Enbata” *Romantics “New cover story” LA BANDA TRAPERA DEL RIO “Guante de guillotina” LParen errepasoa … Continued

Joe Jackson-en Fool eta gehio

Joe Jackson-en Fool eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Lime Spiders “Beyond the fringe” *The Coyote Men “Monkeyin’ around” *The Superfly TNT’s “(Baby) You gimme the creeps” *The Beat “Psychedelic rockers” *Lambrettas “Runaround” *Matchbox “Springheel Jack” JOE JACKSON “Fool” LParen errepasoa *Los Nikis “Me confunden con un hipster” *Los Clavos “Todo va bien” *Radio futura “El canto del gallo” *The Creatures … Continued

Sergio Makaroff-en Tengo una idea eta gehio

Sergio Makaroff-en Tengo una idea eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Motors “Forget about you” *The Pack “St Teresa” *9 below zero “Liquor lover” *The Monks “Inter city kitty” *Starjets “Ten years” *The Users “Now that it’s over” *Undertones “Much too late” *Ilegales “Reptil interior” SERGIO MAKARAOFF “Tengo una idea” LParen errepasoa *Hard ons “Sri lanka” *The Meanies “Inside 1” *New bomb turks … Continued