Generation X-en lehenengo LPa eta gehio

Generation X-en lehenengo LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Police “Fall out” *Elvis Costello “I’m packing up” *The Pogues “Washeys dargle” *The Clash “Drug-stabbing time” *Patti Smith “My generation” *New York dolls “Bad girl” *Iggy Pop “Fire engine” *Johnny Thunders “Countdown to love” GENERATION X “GENERATION X” LParen errepasoa *The Pooh sticks “Heroes and villains” *Black flag “Clocked in” *Stray cats “Ubangi … Continued

Generation X-en Valley of the dolls eta gehio

Generation X-en Valley of the dolls eta gehio

Gaurko irrtatsaioan: *The Raunch Hands “One way ride” *Jeff Dahl band “Just like they sound” *Mutants “Lady” *The Trainspotters “High rise” *La Rekba “Dantzalekuan” *Tacumah “Enbata” *Los Paniks “Colecciono huesos” GENERATION X “Valley of the dolls” Lparen errepasoa *Frustration “Dying cities (Kap Bambino remix)” *Kilburn & the High Roads “Rough kids” *Joe Jackson “Is she … Continued