The Stranglers-en Dark matters eta gehio

The Stranglers-en Dark matters eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Anti pasti “Last train to nowhere” *Cockney rejects “War on the terraces” *The Cars “Door to door” *Slevy “Proxima estacion” *Delirium tremens “Delirium tremens” *Muletrain “Urgency” *Mama “El numero equivocado” THE STRANGLERS “DARK MATTERS” LParen errepasoa *The Pretenders “What you wanna do about it” *Hawkwind “Kings of speed” *Rose tatoo “Rock’n’roll is king”

Giante taldeari elkarrizketa

Giante taldeari elkarrizketa

Giante taldeak Hamaika diskoa kaleratu berri du eta Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean Asier taldekidea elkarrizketatu dugu.

Velvet underground And Nico eta gehio

Velvet underground And Nico eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers “Can’t keep my eyes on you” *The Undertones “I gotta getta” *Eddie and the Hot Rods “Been so long” *Primitives “Crash” *Cheap trick “Through the night” *Rocky Sharpe and the Replays “Never” VELVET UNDERGROUND “AND NICO” LParen errepasoa *Orquesta Mondragon “Corazon de neon” *Atahualpa Yupanqui “Los ejes de … Continued

The Plimsouls-en Everywhere at once eta gehio

The Plimsouls-en Everywhere at once eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Lyres “Running through the night” *The Baboon show “Undrer your trousers” *The New bomb turks “Tattooed” *The Looters “Don’t blow it all away” *Motorhead “The chase is better than the catch” *Madness “Mummy’s boy” *Sylvain Sylvain “Every boy every girl” THE PLIMSOULS “EVERYWHERE AT ONCE” LParen errepasoa *AC/DC “Soul stripper” *Ian Dury … Continued

The Plimsouls-en 1º LPa eta gehio

The Plimsouls-en 1º LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Clash “Safe european home” *The Adicts “I wanna be sedated” *Zarama “Euritan” *Pistones “Metadona” *Radio futura “Tus pasos” *Tequila “Numero uno” *Ilegales “No me gusta el trabajo” *Alaska y los Pegamoides “Vertigo” THE PLIMSOULS S/T LParen errepasoa *Die toten hosen “Carnival in Rio (Punk was)” *Mink DeVille “Desperate days” *Madness “The business” … Continued

Steve Roberts-en Do you know who I am? eta gehio

Steve Roberts-en Do you know who I am? eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *MC5 “Kick out the jams” *Ramones “Psychotherapy” *Richard Hell “The kid with the replaceable head” *The Outsiders “Consequences” *Martin and the Brownshirts “Boring” *Satans rats “You make me sick” *Plan B “Los salvados y los hundidos” *Equos “Volverte a ver” *O.X. Pow “La nueva armada” *Decibelios “Matar o morir” STEVE ROBERTS “DO YOU … Continued

The Lambrettas-en

The Lambrettas-en “Beat boys in the jet age” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Eddie and the Hot Rods “Double checking woman” *Dr. Feelgood “Keep it out of sight” *Lene Lovich “Lucky number” *Eskorbuto “Pelos largos, caras enfermas” *Ilegales “Drogas duras llenan sepulturas” *Tequila “Necesito un trago” *London PX “Orders” THE LAMBRETTAS “BEAT BOYS IN THE JET AGE” LPaen errepasoa. *Discharge “Fight back” *Dwarves “That’s rock’n’roll” *The … Continued

Irratsaio laburra, abesti ederrak

Irratsaio laburra, abesti ederrak

Gaurko irratsaio laburrean: *The Bureaucrats “Feel the pain” *The Exile “The real people” *The Bishops “I take what I want” *Eddie and the Hot Rods “Quit this town” *The Exploited “Army life” *4 Skins “Yesterdays heroes” *The Business “Smash the disco” *1984 “Salted city” *Berurier noir “Nuit apache” *Beatnick termites “Charlie Brown gets a valentine” … Continued

Les Teckels-en Ze Peel poil session eta gehio

Les Teckels-en Ze Peel poil session eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Menace “Screwed up” *Cockney rejects “Bad man” *Peter and the Test Tube Babies “Key to the city” *Les Rats “Jour de chance” *Doctor and the Medics “I wanna choke on your love” *Television personalities “How I learned to love the bomb!” LES TECKELS “ZE PEEL POIL SESSION” LP-aren errepasoa *Robyn Hitchcock and the … Continued

Johnny Mafia-ren Princes de l'amour eta gehio.

Johnny Mafia-ren Princes de l’amour eta gehio.

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Runnaways “Secrets” *Jeff Dahl “Can ya walk on water” *Metal Mike “Wig wam bam” *Polo Pepo “San Felipe es punk” *Rude Kids “Palisades park” *Manic street preachers “You love us” *The Sensible Grey cells “Get back into the world” JOHNNY MAFIA “PRINCES DE L’AMOUR” LParen errepasoa *Bumpers “The Bumpers” *Los Romeos “El … Continued

Crida Salvatge-ren aurkezpena

Crida Salvatge-ren aurkezpena

Crida Salvatge talde katalanak bere lehenengo LPa kaleratu du eta Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean aurkezpena egin dugu.

The Motors-en 1 diskoa eta gehio

The Motors-en 1 diskoa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Bad manners “Special brew” *The Beat “Best frined” *The Favourites “Angelica” *The Singles “Andrielle’s motel” *The Circles “Angry voices” *The Chords “I’ll keep holding on” *The Sweet “Fox on the run” *Giuda “Bad days are back” THE MOTORS “1” LParen errepasoa. *Jay Reatard “See/saw” *Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon “Will the fetus be … Continued