Dosis Gray formazio berria aurkezpena eta kontzertua

Dosis Gray formazio berria aurkezpena eta kontzertua

Dosis Gray taldeakl formazio berria osatu du eta aurkezpena larunbat honetan izango da Lezoko Txerrimuñon, 21:00tan. Dani taldekidearekin osatu dugu irratsaio berezia gaurkoan. *Dosis Gray “Inconformista” *Dosis Gray “Lo se” *Dosis Gray “Surfingray” *Dosis Gray “Venganza” *Victimas club “Farsantes contra farsantes” *Revertt “Bermeo skins” *Cuero “Black metal skin heads” *Lion’s law “Laffayette” *Camera silens “Realite” … Continued

Vamps-en El cielo puede esperar eta gehio

Vamps-en El cielo puede esperar eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Killing joke “Eighties” *Graham Parker and the Rumour “Saturday nite is dead” *Joe Jackson “It’s different for girls” *Iggy Pop “Shades” *Siouxsie and the Banshees “Song From The Edge Of The World” *Metal urbain “E202” VAMPS “EL CIELO PUEDE ESPERAR” LParen errepasoa *Outcasts “Gangland warfare” *King “Antipope”

Graham Parker-en Heat treatment eta gehio

Graham Parker-en Heat treatment eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *999 “Let’s face it” *Dead Kennedys “Kill the poor” *Devo “Come back Jonee” *Ramones “My back pages” *Killing joke “Pandemonium” GRAHAM PARKER “HEAT TREATMENT” LParen errepasoa *Seguridad social “1, 2, 3 mueve los pies” *Dogo y los Mercenarios “La reina de la fiesta” *Bad manners “Walking in the sunshine” *The Revillos “Midnight”

The Cravats

The Cravats “In toytown” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Tanz der youth “I’m sorry, I’m sorry *The Piranhas “Jilly” *The desperate bicycles “Skill” *Jimmy Norton’s explosion “Just like Lazarus” *Leyton buzzards “Love is just a dream” *Icon AD “Face the facts” *Splodgenessabounds “Rolf” *The Molesters “Disco love” *The Gymslips “Drink problem” *The Zeros “Hungry” THE CRAVATS “IN TOYTOWN” LPrean errepasoa *The Raunch … Continued

Jeff Dahl-en Electric junk eta gehio

Jeff Dahl-en Electric junk eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Herman Brood and his Wild Romance “Will you still love me tomorrow” *The Damned “I believe the impossible” *Trust “Antisocial” *Los Elementos “Subterfuge” *2TV “Mary Thompson” *Expelaires “Nasty media” *The Prefects “Escort girls” JEFF DAHL “ELECTRIC JUNK” LParen errepasoa. *Bad Manners “Lip up Fatty” *The Pogues “Fairytale of New York” *Ian Dury and … Continued

Rory Gallagher-en 1. diskoa eta gehio

Rory Gallagher-en 1. diskoa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Black lips “Katrina” *Tranzmitors “Glamour girls” *Angry samoans “Are you a square” *The Undertones “You’ve got my number” *Slade “Rock’n’roll preacher” *The Damned “I fall” *Stray cats “Sweet love on my mind” RORY GALLAGHER “S/T” LPren errepasoa *Madness “Walking with Mr. Wheeze”


Slade-ren “Old, new, borrowed and blue” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Motorhead “City kids” *Sex pistols “Pretty vacant” *Eater “Debutantes ball” *Police “Peanuts” *Lew Lewis Reformer “Lucky seven” *Sloppy seconds “Come back tracy” SLADE “OLD, NEW, BORROWED AND BLUE” LParen errepasoa *Die Toten Hosen “If the kids are united” *The Outcasts “Magnum force” *The Motors “Sensation” *Pere Ubu “Waiting for Mary” *Iggy Pop “Living … Continued

The Lurkers-en Fulhamfallout eta gehio

The Lurkers-en Fulhamfallout eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Ramones “Sheena is a punk rocker” *Blondie “(I’m always touched by) your presence dear” *AC/DC “Dirty deeds done der cheap” *Slade “Gypsy roadhog” *Gary Glitter “I’m the leader of the gang” *Killing joke “Adorations” THE LURKERS “FULHAM FALLOUT” LParen errepasoa *Erazerhead “She can dance” *The Freshies “Dancin’ doctors” *The Count Bishops “Good guys … Continued

Buzzcocks-en Another music in a different kitchen eta gehio

Buzzcocks-en Another music in a different kitchen eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Slaughter and the dogs “Victims of the vampire” *V2 “When the world isn’t there” *The Users “I’m in love with today” *Uproar “Blowing in the wind” *Social distortion “Making believe” *TSOL “Superficial love” *Pork dukes “Bend and flush” *Proles “Soft ground” *Neon hearts “Reguolations” BUZZCOCKS “ANOTHER MUSIC IN A DIFFERENT KITCHEN” LParen errepasoa … Continued

Green day-ren Kerplunk eta gehio

Green day-ren Kerplunk eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Romantics “When I look in your eyes” *Ronnie Mayor “Can’t wait till the summer comes” *Richard and the Taxmen “Now we’re through” *The Screaming tribesmen “A stand alone” *The Ruts “Something that I said” *Gang of four “I found that essence rare” *GBH “To understand” GREEN DAY “KERPLUNK” LParen errepasoa *GG Allin … Continued

Killing joke-ren Night time eta gehio

Killing joke-ren Night time eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Undertones “I told you so” *Tempole Tudor “Real fun” *UK Subs “Kicks” *The Clash “Train in vain” *TNT “Cucarachas” *Wom! A2 “Desertores del amor” *Pistones “Voces” KILLING JOKE “NIGHT TIME” LParen errepasoa *Lone star “Canta conmigo rock and roll” *The Jam “The great depression” *Madness “Our house” *Too much “Photo, photo”

Magazine-ren Secondhand daylight eta gehio

Magazine-ren Secondhand daylight eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Squeeze “Night ride” *UK subs “Veronique” *Toy dolls “Come back Jacky” *SubHumAns “Somebody’s mother” *Discharge “Always restrictions” *Kortatu “Ehun ginen” *Mas birras “La telaraña” *Moris “Zapatos de gamuza azul” *Subterranean kids “La ventana del odio” MAGAZINE “SECONHAND DAYLIGHT” LParen errepasoa *Deniz tek “Hondo’s dog” *Mano negra “King of bongo” *Devo “Be Stiff”