Patti Smith Group-en

Patti Smith Group-en “Easter” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Rocks “Chaos” *The Kids “Rock over Belgium” *DOA “World war 3” *Richard Hell and the Voidoids “Liars beware” *Suicide commandos “Shock appeal” *Devo “Gut feeling” *Buzzcocks “What do I get?” PATTI SMITH “EASTER” LParen errepasoa *London “No time” *Penetration moon “I’m thrash” *Plasmatics “Butcher baby” *Stray cats “What’s going down” *Pogues “Sally MacLennane”

Patti Smith Kursaaleko kontzertua

Patti Smith Kursaaleko kontzertua

Patti Smithek kontzertua eskeiniko du Karsaalean irailak 28an eta Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean tarte berezia eskeini diogu.