Manu pogo-ren aukeraketa berri bat

Manu pogo-ren aukeraketa berri bat

Gaurko irratsaioan Manu Pogo-ren aukeraketa: *Jason and the Scorchers “Help, there’s a fire” *Dead moon “Running out of time” *The M-80’s “That ain’t all” *The Dark “On the wires” *Mr. T experience “Sex offender” *Angie Pepper “Frozen world” *Black Bacon “Every action has reaction” LParen errepasoa *Beastie Boys “No sleep till Brooklyn” *Bum “Your discipline” … Continued

Manu Pogo-ren aukeraketa

Manu Pogo-ren aukeraketa

Gaurkoan Manu Pogo izan dugu irratsaioko protagonista bere musika aukeraketarekin: *Riverdales “Fun tonight” *Devil dogs “Radio beat” *Lazy cowgirls “Frustration, tragedy and lies” *Muffs “New love” *Fastbacks “Gone to the moon” *Monomen “Your eyes” *Dwarves “Anybody ot there” *American soul spiders “Anyway any girl” *Pleasure fuckers “Snakebeat” *Fatal erection “Castrated by love” AGENDA MUSIKALA *Rocket … Continued