The Muffs-en No holiday eta gehio

The Muffs-en No holiday eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *United balls “Pogo in Togo” *Katrina & The Waves “Sun street” *Los Elegantes “Calle del ritmo” *PVP “El coche de la plas” *Polansky y el ardor “Ataque preventivo de la URSS” THE MUFFS “NO HOLIDAY” LParen errepasoa *La Polla records “Venganza” *Pudor cronica “Pudor cronica” *Mink DeVille “Just your friends”

Radio Futuraren La ley del desierto, la ley del mar eta gehio

Radio Futuraren La ley del desierto, la ley del mar eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *XTC “Traffic light rock” *Rocky Erickson “Bermuda” *X ray spex “Oh bondage up yours!” *The Motors “You beat the hell outta me” *Penetration “Don’t dictate” *9 below zero “Hangman in the sand” *Siniestro total “Cuenca minera” *Glutamato ye ye “Recuerda Formentera” *Almodovar & McNamara “Gran ganga” RADIO FUTURA “La ley del desierto/La ley … Continued

Liher taldeari elkarrizketa

Liher taldeari elkarrizketa

Liher taldeak Eta hutsa zen helmuga disko berria kaleratu du eta Joshka taldekidea elkarrizketatu dugu Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean.

Velvet underground And Nico eta gehio

Velvet underground And Nico eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers “Can’t keep my eyes on you” *The Undertones “I gotta getta” *Eddie and the Hot Rods “Been so long” *Primitives “Crash” *Cheap trick “Through the night” *Rocky Sharpe and the Replays “Never” VELVET UNDERGROUND “AND NICO” LParen errepasoa *Orquesta Mondragon “Corazon de neon” *Atahualpa Yupanqui “Los ejes de … Continued

Afrika Bibangi elkarrizketa

Afrika Bibangi elkarrizketa

Afrika Bibang-ek Ispiluaren aurrean disko berria kaleratu du eta Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean elkarrizketatu dugu.    

Stray cats-en Rant n'rave eta gehio

Stray cats-en Rant n’rave eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Sex pistols “Liar” *The Bishops “Liar” *Radiators “Prison bars” *The Physicals “Be like me” *Johnny Moped “Incendiary device” *Black flag “Split it in” *Tarot XIII “Silent war” *Blondie “Man overboard” STRAY CATS “RANT N’ RAVE” LParen errepasoa *Graham Parker “Saturday nite is dead” *Siniestro total “Yo dije yeah!” *Asfalto ¿Donde estais? *Moris “Balanceo … Continued

Nine Pound Hammer-en Bluegrass conspiracy eta gehio

Nine Pound Hammer-en Bluegrass conspiracy eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Dream Syndicate “I have faith” *Fischer Z “Acrobats” *Gluecifer “Get that psycho out of my face” *Herman BroodLove you like I love myself” *Dr. Feelgood “Close but no cigar” *Graham Parker and the Shot “Bricks and mortar” *Joe Jackson band “Mad at you” NINE POUND HAMMER “BLUEGRASS CONSPIRACY” LParen errepasoa *Seguridad social … Continued

The Plimsouls-en Everywhere at once eta gehio

The Plimsouls-en Everywhere at once eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Lyres “Running through the night” *The Baboon show “Undrer your trousers” *The New bomb turks “Tattooed” *The Looters “Don’t blow it all away” *Motorhead “The chase is better than the catch” *Madness “Mummy’s boy” *Sylvain Sylvain “Every boy every girl” THE PLIMSOULS “EVERYWHERE AT ONCE” LParen errepasoa *AC/DC “Soul stripper” *Ian Dury … Continued

Jeff Dahl-en Made in Hawaii eta gehio

Jeff Dahl-en Made in Hawaii eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Vog “Playmate” *The Now “Can you fix me up with her” *The Tourists “The loneliest man in the world” *Bonzos “I want you back” *Los Romeos “Cuando llega mi amor” *Los Enemigos “La torre de Babel” *The Meows “Private song” JEFF DAHL “Made in Hawaii” LParen errepasoa *Skids “Charade” *Dirty noise “Look to … Continued

The Plimsouls-en 1º LPa eta gehio

The Plimsouls-en 1º LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Clash “Safe european home” *The Adicts “I wanna be sedated” *Zarama “Euritan” *Pistones “Metadona” *Radio futura “Tus pasos” *Tequila “Numero uno” *Ilegales “No me gusta el trabajo” *Alaska y los Pegamoides “Vertigo” THE PLIMSOULS S/T LParen errepasoa *Die toten hosen “Carnival in Rio (Punk was)” *Mink DeVille “Desperate days” *Madness “The business” … Continued