Modus Operandi taldeari elkarrizketa

Modus Operandi taldeari elkarrizketa

Modus operandi taldeak disko berria kaleratu du, Dantza gaitezen hil arte izenarekin, eta Iñaki abeslaria elkarrizketatu dugu Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean.

Wayne Kramer-en LLMF eta gehio

Wayne Kramer-en LLMF eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Brian James “Polka dot shot” *Pekinska patka “Bila je tako lijepa” *Meanies “Hazzard a guess” *The Mullens “Isabel” *Gigantor “Sweet acid” *The No-talents “Hello world” *Gas huffer “Ooh ooh ooh!” *The Crepitos “Flock of dumbs” WAYNE KRAMER “LLMF” LParen errepasoa *Kaleko urdangak “Biolentzia 1984” *Punishment of luxury “Brainbomb” *The Regents “See you later” … Continued

Poison Idearen Blank blackout vacant eta gehio

Poison Idearen Blank blackout vacant eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Guanabatz “Seethrough” *Freshies “Oh girl” *Disguise “Juvenile delinquent” *Bitch “Big city” *Eskorbuto “Nadie es inocente” *Feedbacks “Summer again” *Skull boys “Mr. Perfect” *Identity “Different to what” POISON IDEA-ren “Blank blackout vacant” LParen errepasoa *Redd kross “Yesterdays once more” *Primitives “Out of reach” *Tom Robinson band “2, 4, 6, 8 motorway” *Graham Parker “Life … Continued

Johnny Thunders-en So alone eta gehio

Johnny Thunders-en So alone eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Wipers “Now is the time” *Hot snakes “Treat yourself” *Parasites “Teenage radiation” *The Mirrors “Cure for cancer” *Local operator “Untouchables” *Walkie talkies “Summer in Russia” *Protex “Wonder why” JOHNNY THUNDERS “So alone” LParen errepasoa *Los Clavos “I’m a boy, I’m a girl” *Elementos “Bancario consultiva” *La Secta “I want you” *Blackmoon fire “Covered … Continued

Slaughter and the dogs-en Bite back eta gehio

Slaughter and the dogs-en Bite back eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Cinecyde “Radiation sickness” *The Knack “Let me out” *Cheap trick “Ain’t that a shame” *The Heat “High school sweater” *Stray cats “Rebels rule” *Screeching weasel “(Nothing’s gonna) turn me off (of you) *Supersuckers “Born with a tail” *Crass “Don’t get caught” SLAUGHTER “Bite back” LParen errepasoa *The Paranoids “Road to ruin” *Alberto y … Continued

The Crack-en In search of the crack eta gehio

The Crack-en In search of the crack eta gehio

Guarko irratsaioan: *Square “So hard” *The Jam “(Love is like a) heat wave” *Boyfriends “Boyfriend” *Speedometors “Tonught tonight” *The Depressions “Get out of this town” *Teddy and the Terrifics “I’m jolly mad” *Alberto y lost trios paranoias “Thank you” *Teenage fanclub “Radio” THE CRACK “In search of the crack” LParen errepasoa *The Sinister six “People” … Continued

The Flyin' Spiderz-en

The Flyin’ Spiderz-en “Let it crawl” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Lazy cowgirls “Hybrid moments” *The Nomads “In a house of cards” *Supersuckers “Hell city, hell” *New bomb turks “Veronica lake” *Bloodthirsty butchers “Alligator” *Rocket from the crypt “On living and dying” *Game for vultures “Goin’ my way” *The Blasters “No other girl” FLYIN’ SPIDERZ “Let it crawl” LParen errepasoa *The revillos “Hungry for … Continued

The Joneses-en Keeping up with The Joneses LPa eta gehio

The Joneses-en Keeping up with The Joneses LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Motorhead “Love me like a reptile” *Redd kross “Jimmy’s fantasy” *Kamala and the Karnivores “Love like murder” *Lazy cowgirls “Loretta” *New bomb turks “Bottle island” *Sham 69 “Borstal breakout” *The Blasters “So long baby goodbye” *Ther Revillos “Bitten by a love bug” THE JONESES “Keeping up with the Joneses” LParen errepasoa *Dr. Feelgood … Continued

Magazine-ren Play eta gehio

Magazine-ren Play eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Meteors “Surf city” *King Kurt “Destination Zululand” *The Bellrays “They glued your head on upside down” *The Side eyes “Don’t talk to me” *Redd kross “Screaming” *Dharma bums “Far from gone” *The Specials “Too much too young” *Madness “It must be love” *The Jam “Start” MAGAZINE “Play” LParen errepasoa *Iggy Pop “Take … Continued

TRB-en Two eta gehio

TRB-en Two eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Killing joke “Follow the leaders! *Siouxsie and the Banshees “Carcass” *Newtown neurotics “No sanctuary” *Electric Frankenstein “We are the roadcrew” *L.e.s. stitches “Id” *The Raunch hands “Ford” *Madness “Madness” *The Selecter “James Bond” TRB (Tom Robinson band) “Two” LParen errepasoa *Slade “Cum on feel the noize” *The Sweet “Fox on the run” *Glutamato … Continued

Guana batz-en

Guana batz-en “Held down to vinyl at last” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Eddie & the Hot rods “Writting on the wall” *Motorhead “Tales of glory” *Sex pistols “EMI” *The Clash “Drug stabbing time” *Gluecifer “Boiler trip” *Electric Frankenstein “Long way down” *Supersuckers “Gravity Bill” GUANABATZ “Held down to vinyl…at last!” LParen errepasoa *The Rubinoos “Rock and roll is dead” *Barracudas “Stolen heart” *Speed “Moriras” *Madness … Continued

Seguridad social-en En Desconcierto eta gehio

Seguridad social-en En Desconcierto eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Winos “Beauty queen” *The Berlin Brats “Tropically hot” *The Droogs “Set my love on you” *Needless & pins “I wanna play with guns” *Vom “I’m in love with your mum” *The Low numbers “Belsen was a gas” *The Dils Mr. Big” *Backstage pass “Legend (Come on up to me)” *The Hebe Geebees … Continued