Gasteiz calling jaialdiaren iragarpena

Gasteiz calling jaialdiaren iragarpena

Laugarren urtez Gasteiz calling jaialdia ospatuko da gasteizko Iradier arenan. Jaialdiaren inguruko informazioa, musika eta taldeen errepasoa izan dugu Ttan Ttakun irratian irratsaio berezi batean.

Merton parkas-en Face in the crowd eta gehio

Merton parkas-en Face in the crowd eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Cars “Since I held you” *Fastbacks “What will they all say?” *Alberto y lost trios paranoias “Thank you” *TdeK “Boca cerrada” *Kaleko urdangak “Nortasuna” *Frustration “Teens” Agenda musikala MERTON PARKAS “Face in the crowd” diskoaren errepasoa *Graham Parker & The rumour “Back to schooldays” *Nick lowe “Born a woman” *Madness “In the city” … Continued

Vietcong 68-ren A B diskoaren aurkezpena

Vietcong 68-ren A B diskoaren aurkezpena

Gaurko irratsaioan VIETCONG 68 taldeare AB diskoaren errepasoa egin dugu, Ekaitz eta Pepinorekin zuzenean gure estudioan izan gara hizketan eta diskoa entzuten.

The Warners-en Hit & run eta gehio.

The Warners-en Hit & run eta gehio.

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Angel y las guays “Delirium tremens” *Loquillo y trogloditas “Las sombras del autocine” *Parabellum “La locura” *Tequila “Dime que me quieres” *Seguridad social “Accion” *Fleshtones “Chinese kitchen” *Stray cats “Stray cat strut” Agenda musikala THE WARNERS “HIT & RUN” LP-aren errepasoa *Slade “In fom a penny” *Patti Smith “My generation”

Demolition 23 eta gehio

Demolition 23 eta gehio

Gaurko Ttanttapunk irratsaioan: *Major accident “Respectable” *Dummies “Play loud *Marked men “Nothing’s changed” *Maniacs “Chelsea 77” *Manic depressives “Going out with the in-crowd” *Dogs “Slash your face” *Dogs “Charlie was a good boy” Agenda musikala DEMOLITION 23-ren LP-aren errepasoa *Ebba gron “Profit” *Dyaks “Gutter kids” *Magazine “Shot by both sides” *Dr. Feelgood “Going back home”

Vibrators-en The 1977 demos eta gehio.

Vibrators-en The 1977 demos eta gehio.

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Mink Deville “Little by little” *Joe Jackson “I’m the man” *Fastbacks “Only at night” *Fuzztones “She’s wicked” *Flop “I told a lie” *Cherry bombz “Hot girls in love” *Barracudas “House of kicks” Agenda musikala VIBRATORS “The 1977 demos” *Frustration “Artists suck” *Amazorblades “Common truth” *Stukas “Klean living” *Robyn Hitchcock and the egyptians “Veins … Continued


Identity-ren “Yeah, about time too!” eta gehio.

Gaurko ttanttapunk irratsaioan: *Flop “Action” *KSMB “Förord till livet” *Ypo viis “Ujona discossa” *Accident “Kill the Bee gees” *Rocket from the crypt “Video reign man” *Gas “The finger” *Lew Lewis “1-30, 2-30, 3-35” *Enemy “Away from here” Agenda musikala IDENTITY “YEAH, ABOUT TIME TOO!!” LParen errepasoa *Gigantor “Romantist” *Young fresh fellows “Someone I care about” … Continued


Speedtwins-en “It’s more fun to compete” eta gehio

Gaurko TtanttaPunk irratsaioan: *Crumbs “I smell a rat” *Ridicules “Sunday drivers” *The Only alternative “Call yourselves punks” *Young fresh fellows “Dark corner of the world” *Dharma bums “Tacoma” *Dan with Slickee boys “Misunderstood” *Ypo viis “Kaunis poika” *Briefs “C’mon squash me like a bug” Agenda Musikala SPEEDTWINS “It’s more fun to compete” LParen errepasoa *Micromachines … Continued

The Vibrators

The Vibrators “The 1976 demos” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Billy Idol “Baby talk” *Sex pistols “Pretty vacant” *Joe Jackson “Friday” *Stooges “My girl hates my heroin” *Husker du “Could you be the one?” *Jesus and Mary chain “Happy when it rains” *Undead “Put your clothes back on” Agenda Musikala THE VIBRATORS “The 1976 demos” LParen errepasoa. *Vietcong 68 “Generosa I” *B52 “Planet … Continued

Raunch hands-en Fuck me stupid eta gehio

Raunch hands-en Fuck me stupid eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *4 skins “One law for them” *Riff raff “Cosmonaut” *DOA “The enemy” *Fear “I love livin in the city” *Fur “Sex drive” *Fucked up “Police” *Drones “Lookalikes” *Professionals “Join the professionals” Agenda musikala RAUNCH HANDS “Fuck me stupid” LP-aren errepasoa *Flys “Love and a molotov coctail” *Fun 4 “Singing in the showers” *Donkeys … Continued

Nirvana-ren Bleach eta gehio

Nirvana-ren Bleach eta gehio

Gaurko TtanttaPunk irratsaioan: *Agent orange “Pipeline” *Identity “Don’t lose it” *Avengers “Uh oh!!” *Profesionals “The magnificent! *Misfits “Astro zombies” *Angelic upstarts “Not just a name” Agenda musikala NIRVANA “Bleach” diskoaren errepasoa *Toy dolls “Turtle crazy” *Richard Hell & The Voidoids “Blank generation” *Slaughter & the dogs “Twist and turn” *Los Vivos “Shout”

Cinecyde-ren Let's talk eta gehio

Cinecyde-ren Let’s talk eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Dry risers “Screen gems” *Hamilton “Jet set girl” *Victims “Rich kids” *Pooh sticks “Indie pop ain’t noise pollution” *Holly and the italians “Baby gets it all” *Barracudas “Next time around” *Bomb party “Do the right thing” Agenda musikala CINECYDE “LET’S TALK” LParen errepasoa *Seres vacios “Recuerda”