The Confidential Frequencies irratsaioaren saio berri bat!
The Confidential Frequencies 2014-1-31
The Confidential Frequencies irratsaioaren saio berri bat!

Max can be used to author audio plugin software for major audio production systems. With the increased integration of laptop computers into live music performance (in electronic music and elsewhere), Max is unusual in that the program logic and the interface as presented to the user are typically related, Max/MSP and Max/Jitter have received quite a bit of attention as a development environment available to those serious about laptop music/video performance., The order of execution for messages traversing through the graph of objects is defined by the visual organization of the objects in the patcher itself. As a result of this organizing principle, though newer versions of Max provide a number of technologies for more standard GUI design. Max documents (called patchers) can be bundled into stand-alone applications and distributed free or sold co