The cure, friday- Simon and Gardfunkel, The sound of silence, Mrs. Robinson, Bridge over troubled water- Disturbed, Te soun of silence- Vendetta, Udarako gau luzeak- The weeknd, The blinding lights- Elliot Murphy, Karen where are you going-Txirrita, Xabier Lete, Frantses euskaldun bat etorri zait, Nagusia ta maizterra, Cubako gerrarena- Imanol Telleria, Txirrita, Neska zar bat tentatzen, ahotsenea- Ramstein, Sonne, Du hast- Maria Cristina me quiere gobernar, Mays sisters- Manule de la NIna, Recuerdo cuando me cantaba, malagueña
2024.ekainak 7. Maria Kristina
The cure, friday- Simon and Gardfunkel, The sound of silence, Mrs. Robinson, Bridge over troubled water- Disturbed, Te soun of silence- Vendetta, Udarako gau luzeak- The weeknd, The blinding lights- Elliot Murphy, Karen where are you going-Txirrita, Xabier Lete, Frantses euskaldun bat etorri zait, Nagusia ta maizterra, Cubako gerrarena- Imanol Telleria, Txirrita, Neska zar bat…