Friday, the cure- Suzanne Vega, Craking, Freeze tag, Marlene on the wall, Tom ‘ś diner, Luka- Jamie Cullum, Get your way, London Skies, Mind Trick- Natascha Atlas, Shubra, AShwa, Ne me quite pais- Nina Simone, I put a spell on you- Cat Power, The gratest- JOey Ramone,Christmas, Dont worry about me, What a wonderful world- Black Box Life Recorder 2tf, Aphex Twin- The free design, Love you- Dubskie, Itś friday day
2025, Urte berri on!
Friday, the cure- Suzanne Vega, Craking, Freeze tag, Marlene on the wall, Tom 'ś diner, Luka- Jamie Cullum, Get your way, London Skies, Mind Trick- Natascha Atlas, Shubra, AShwa, Ne me quite pais- Nina Simone, I put a spell on you- Cat Power, The gratest- JOey Ramone,Christmas, Dont worry about me, What a wonderful world-…