Graham Parker and the Rumour-en Squeezing out sparks eta gehio

Graham Parker and the Rumour-en Squeezing out sparks eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *The Lyres “Long gone” *The Jet boys “You tell me lies” *Antiseen “Haunted house” *Brian Setzer “Barbwire fence” *Dosis gray “Alguien te vigila” *OK Korral “Jo Mari jo” *Departamento B “Island of lost souls” GRAHAM PARKER AND THE RUMOUR-en “SQUEEZING OUT SPARKS” LParen errepasoa *Ama say “Ateripean” *The Flys “What will mother say?” … Continued



Aitor ikastolako 4b taldearen lehenengo irratsaioa duzue hau.



Friday..The cure- QUEEN, We will rock you, crazy little thing called love, Don stop me now, Somebody to leve, We are the champions- IVAN REBROFF, Dr. Zhivago, Maria, Kalinka, Biolinjolea teilatuan, Gizon aberatsa banintz- Tarara, Radio tarifa- Amorante, Iban Urizar, harri, herri, har, Habanera, kale erdian, agurea- Gaiteros de Segovia, jota de la niña- Dupla- … Continued

STR taldeari elkarrizketa

STR taldeari elkarrizketa

STR taldeak 2on errua singlea kaleratu berri du eta Ikerrekin elkarrizketa izan dugu Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean.

Social Distortion-en

Social Distortion-en “White light, white heat, white thrash” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Herman Brood and his wild romance “Rock’n’roll junkie” *The Jam “Takin’ my love” *AC/DC “Little lover” *The B-52’s “Rock lobster” *Flamin’ groovies “Only what you want me to be” *Rocket from the crypt “Pigeon eater” SOCIAL DISTORTION-en “WHITE LIGHT, WHITE HEAT, WHITE THRASH” LParen errepasoa The Ventures “Guitar twist”