Oliver Koletzki – Tankwa Town [Stil vor Talent] Oliver Koletzki – Spiritual But Not Religious [Stil vor Talent] Oliver Koletzki – A Tribe Called Kotori [Stil vor Talent] BESO (FRUTA FRESCA) – Wakyin , Carlos Vives MI PENA – Birds of Mind CROCODILE GO TO SLEEP – Camel Power Club CANDELA – Monkey Safari KALKUTTA … Continued


Go-go’s-en “Beauty and the beat” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Devo “Wiggly world” *The B-52’s “Runnin’ around” *Cheap trick “Come on, come on” *The Cars “Shake it up” *Rose tattoo “Assault & battery” *AC/DC “Show business” GO-GO’S taldearen BEAUTY AND THE BEAT LParen errepasoa *The Stranglers “Hanging around” *Sex Pistols “Bodies” *Sergio makaroff “Buscando empleo” *The Who “We’re not gonna take it”



Friday, Iḿ in love, the cure- Bruce Springsteen, Paradise, Someday- Elliot Murphy, Karen where are you going, Everything I do- Eagles, Hotel California-Bagdad cafe-Nei Young, Hey, hey, my, my- Guantanamera, Pit Bull- Compayns, Midnight memories-One direction, Right now- Space Oddity, David Bowie- Central Cee, Traight, pinging, Day in the life- Selekta, Conexion- Erleen rapa, Pirritx … Continued

zizka 193

zizka 193

Zizka mizka irratsaioaren saio berri bat



El carnaval de San Sebastian, Columbia, Diana, Pomposhos- Urko, IXIL IXILIK DAGO, Amaia Zubiria, Donostiako iru damatxo- Festara, Donostiako orfeoia-Drindots taldea, Trixte bizi naiz eta, Bilintx- Urretxindorrak, Aitorren hizkuntza zaharra- Benito Lertxundi, egun sentia, loretxoa, zenbat gera,1967- Txuri urdin, Eskola, 1980- Exkixu, Loretxoa- Communards, Don leave me this way



Zizka mizka irratsaioaren saio berri bat