Thej Gun Club-en

Thej Gun Club-en “The Las Vegas story” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Horslips “Sword of light” *Mud “Hair of the dog” *The Rumour “My little red book” *Trust “Misere” *Mano negra “Rock’n’roll band” *Diesel “Barbes Pigalle” *Cheap trick “Stop this game” THE GUN CLUB “THE LAS VEGAS STORY” LParen errepasoa *Moon Martin “Bad case of loving you” *Los Flechazos “En el club” *The Kingsnakes “More” … Continued


Wipers-en “Land of lost” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Ultravox “Mine for life” *Pearl Harbor and the Explosions “Shut up and dance” *The Tourists “So good to be back home again” *Los Enemigos “Dono mi cuerpo” *Pota freska “Ahora que” *Brighton 64 “Barcelona blues” *Soul bisontes “El sabotaje de las gominolas parroquiales” *Hanni “True love tree” WIPERS “LAND OF LOST” LParen errepasoa. … Continued

The Eskarallas-en LPa eta gehio.

The Eskarallas-en LPa eta gehio.

Gaurko irratsaioan: *No “Soy paralitico” *Sats “Muerte en el cine” *TNT “Bruja nocturna” *Asco “Zarpa de acero” *Voz en off “Vete a la playa” *Aristogatos “Visita al hospital” *Jotakie “La pop” *Angeles del infierno “Rock and roll” THE ESKARALLAS “S/T” LParen errepasoa *Males parkinson “Despues de la fiesta” *Mogollon “Ambulatorio” *Patos “Cambio de aires” *Iguales … Continued

Johnny Thunders-en

Johnny Thunders-en “Que sera sera” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Violent femmes “Faith” *Sonic youth “Stereo sanctity” *The Palookas “Cufflinks” *Pil “The suit” *Ultravox “The voice” JOHNNY THUNDERS “QUE SERA SERA” LParen errepasoa. *Billy Idol “Rebel yell” *Jesus and Mary chain “Don’t ever change” *The Tourists “It doesn’t have to be this way” *Inmates “Busted” *Sub hum ans “Somebody’s mother”


Pixies-en “Trompe le monde” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Screaming trtibesmen “A stand alone” *Surfin’ lungs “Munster theme” *Spacemen 3 “Take me to the other side” *Sex museum “You” *Enemigos “Chicken all over” *Loveslug “Coyote date” *Metal Mike “Wig wam bam” PIXIES “TROMPE LE MONDE” LParen errepasoa *Kimberley Rew “My baby does her hairdo long” *Fur “I’m not coming” *Tom Petty and … Continued

Bengori elkarrizketa

Bengori elkarrizketa

Bengo abeslariari elkarrizketa egin diogu Eguerdiko Ahotsa magazinean Belharra diskoa aurkezteko.

Manu pogo-ren aukeraketa berri bat

Manu pogo-ren aukeraketa berri bat

Gaurko irratsaioan Manu Pogo-ren aukeraketa: *Jason and the Scorchers “Help, there’s a fire” *Dead moon “Running out of time” *The M-80’s “That ain’t all” *The Dark “On the wires” *Mr. T experience “Sex offender” *Angie Pepper “Frozen world” *Black Bacon “Every action has reaction” LParen errepasoa *Beastie Boys “No sleep till Brooklyn” *Bum “Your discipline” … Continued

Generation X-en lehenengo LPa eta gehio

Generation X-en lehenengo LPa eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Police “Fall out” *Elvis Costello “I’m packing up” *The Pogues “Washeys dargle” *The Clash “Drug-stabbing time” *Patti Smith “My generation” *New York dolls “Bad girl” *Iggy Pop “Fire engine” *Johnny Thunders “Countdown to love” GENERATION X “GENERATION X” LParen errepasoa *The Pooh sticks “Heroes and villains” *Black flag “Clocked in” *Stray cats “Ubangi … Continued

Guitar Wolf taldea Donostiara bisitan

Guitar Wolf taldea Donostiara bisitan

Guitar Wolf taldea Donostiara bisitan dator Japoniatik, igandea azaroak 254ean Donostiako Dabadaba aretoan joko dute 20:30tan eta Iñaki antolatzailearekin elkarrizketa egin dugu Eguerdiko Ahotsda magazinean.

Patti Smith Group-en

Patti Smith Group-en “Easter” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Rocks “Chaos” *The Kids “Rock over Belgium” *DOA “World war 3” *Richard Hell and the Voidoids “Liars beware” *Suicide commandos “Shock appeal” *Devo “Gut feeling” *Buzzcocks “What do I get?” PATTI SMITH “EASTER” LParen errepasoa *London “No time” *Penetration moon “I’m thrash” *Plasmatics “Butcher baby” *Stray cats “What’s going down” *Pogues “Sally MacLennane”