
Dirty looks-en “Turn it up” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *AC/DC “Rock in peace” *Sex pistols “I wanna be me” *The Clash “White man in Hammersmith palais” *Buzzcocks “Whatever happened to...?” *The Stooges “Cock in my pocket” *Blondie “In the sun” *Bad brains “Right brigade” DIRTY LOOKS “TURN IT UP” LParen errepasoa *Motorhead “Trigger” *Nirvana “Oh, the guilt” *Vic Godard “Stamp of a…
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Gaurko irratsaioan:
*AC/DC “Rock in peace”
*Sex pistols “I wanna be me”
*The Clash “White man in Hammersmith palais”
*Buzzcocks “Whatever happened to…?”
*The Stooges “Cock in my pocket”
*Blondie “In the sun”
*Bad brains “Right brigade”
DIRTY LOOKS “TURN IT UP” LParen errepasoa
*Motorhead “Trigger”
*Nirvana “Oh, the guilt”
*Vic Godard “Stamp of a vamp”


TtanTtaPunk programa rock’n'roll-aren inguruko programa da. Bariante diferenteak jorratu eta entzuteko aukera duzu, 60, 70 eta 80. hamarkadari dagokionez, eta nagusiki Punk estiloari gehien hurbiltzen zaiona.

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