
MC5ren “Kick out the jams” eta gehio

Gaurko irratsaioan: *Satan’s rats “Tin god” *The Gangsters “Record company” *Josie Cotton “(Let’s do) the blackout” *The Runnaways “California paradise” *The Go go’s “Vacation” *Motorhead “Orgasmatron” *Ramones “Please don’t leave” *Dead Kennedys “Keppone kids” MC5 “KICK OUT THE JAMS” LParen errepasoa *The Clash “Police on my back” *The Beat “Hands off...she’s minel” *Nokono “Egia da”
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Gaurko irratsaioan:
*Satan’s rats “Tin god”
*The Gangsters “Record company”
*Josie Cotton “(Let’s do) the blackout”
*The Runnaways “California paradise”
*The Go go’s “Vacation”
*Motorhead “Orgasmatron”
*Ramones “Please don’t leave”
*Dead Kennedys “Keppone kids”
MC5 “KICK OUT THE JAMS” LParen errepasoa
*The Clash “Police on my back”
*The Beat “Hands off…she’s minel”
*Nokono “Egia da”


TtanTtaPunk programa rock’n'roll-aren inguruko programa da. Bariante diferenteak jorratu eta entzuteko aukera duzu, 60, 70 eta 80. hamarkadari dagokionez, eta nagusiki Punk estiloari gehien hurbiltzen zaiona.

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