Gaurko Ttanttapunk irratsaioan:
*Da willis “N.Y. stomp”
*New christs “I swear”
*Electric frankenstein “Get off my back”
*Dickies “Rosemary”
*Music for pleasure “The human factor”
*Channel 4 ·Channel 4″
*Rats & delicious “No time”
*INFA RIOT “Still out of order” LParen errepasoa
*Parasites “Hang up”
*Pooh sticks “Who loves you”
*Brother buzz “Dynamite”
*Sweet “Hellraiser”
*Slade “Gudbuy t’Jane”
Infa riot-en Still out of order eta gehio
Gaurko Ttanttapunk irratsaioan: *Da willis "N.Y. stomp" *New christs "I swear" *Electric frankenstein "Get off my back" *Dickies "Rosemary" *Music for pleasure "The human factor" *Channel 4 ·Channel 4" *Rats & delicious "No time" *AGENDA MUSIKALA *INFA RIOT "Still out of order" LParen errepasoa *Parasites "Hang up" *Pooh sticks "Who loves you" *Brother buzz "Dynamite"…