Gaurko TtanTtapunk irratsaioan:
*Purple hearts “Jimmy”
*Brakes “Blame it on the brakes”
*Incredible kidda band “Bitch”
*Rat Scabies “Let there be rats”
*Slade “Not tonight Josephine”
*Jesus and Mary chain “You trip me out”
*Electric frankenstein “Up from the streets”
*Flaming stars “New hope for the dead”
FORGOTTEN REBELS “In love with the system” LP-aren errepasoa
*Parasites “My nightmare”
*Mourning noise “Demon eyes”
*Gila monster “Stickbastard”
*Pooh sticks “Could a heart?”
*Mach five overdrive “Quickee mart”
Forgotten rebels-en In love with the system eta gehio
Gaurko TtanTtapunk irratsaioan: *Purple hearts "Jimmy" *Brakes "Blame it on the brakes" *Incredible kidda band "Bitch" *Rat Scabies "Let there be rats" *Slade "Not tonight Josephine" *Jesus and Mary chain "You trip me out" *Electric frankenstein "Up from the streets" *Flaming stars "New hope for the dead" AGENDA MUSIKALA FORGOTTEN REBELS "In love with the…

canada, desadist, forgotten rebels, garage, glam, in love with the system, mod, oi, punk, rock, roll, ska, star