Gaurkoan Bap taldearen Zuria beltzez LPa errepasatu dugu, gainera 4 aurkezpen ere izan ditugu:
*The Damned “Psychomania”
*The Donnas “Who invited you”
*Velocirraptors “Vuelta al punk”
*The Spent idols “Emotionakl wreck”
*Vlack “Wake up”
*Jason & the Scorchers “Change the tune”
*Los Paniks “Maribel”
*Malos tiempos bastardos “Muerto estas”
BAP “Zuria beltzez” LParen errepasoa
*The Pogues “How come”
*Iggy pop “Mixin’ the colours”
Bap-en Zuria beltzez eta gehio
Gaurkoan Bap taldearen Zuria beltzez LPa errepasatu dugu, gainera 4 aurkezpen ere izan ditugu: *The Damned "Psychomania" *The Donnas "Who invited you" *Velocirraptors "Vuelta al punk" *The Spent idols "Emotionakl wreck" *Vlack "Wake up" *Jason & the Scorchers "Change the tune" *Los Paniks "Maribel" *Malos tiempos bastardos "Muerto estas" BAP "Zuria beltzez" LParen errepasoa *The…