Gaurko irratsaioan:
*Slade “Not tonight Josephine”
*The Fuzztones “Get naked”
*The Electric prunes “I had too much to dream last night”
*Pere ubu “The fabulous sequel (have shoes, will walk)”
*Rocket from the crypt “Masculine intuition”
*Hanoi rocks “Devil woman”
*The Dogs “Trouble fete”
*Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers “Strangered in the night”
Agenda musikala
LYRES taldearen “Lost Lyres” LParen errepasoa
*Malos tratos “La tortura sin ti”
*Sergio makaroff “Dulce soledad”
Lyres-en Lost Lyres eta gehio
Gaurko irratsaioan: *Slade "Not tonight Josephine" *The Fuzztones "Get naked" *The Electric prunes "I had too much to dream last night" *Pere ubu "The fabulous sequel (have shoes, will walk)" *Rocket from the crypt "Masculine intuition" *Hanoi rocks "Devil woman" *The Dogs "Trouble fete" *Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers "Strangered in the night" Agenda musikala…